Thursday, June 3, 2010


Hi everyone!
I'm starting this blog to share my experiences in the hamlet of Repulse Bay aka Naujaat (Seagull's Nesting Place in Inuktitut, hence the name).
So I guess I'll start from the beginning.
We left on Monday and, with a bit of a delay in Rankin Inlet, arrived in Repulse Bay on a Turboprop plane (definitely the smallest plane I've ever been on, I think there was 15 seats on it max) without any idea of where to go when we got there. Lucky for us, Joe and Charlene who work at the health centre were at the airport waiting to pick us up. Right outside they pointed out an arch of stones that marks the location of the Arctic Circle:
First, we got to check out our house, which faaaaar exceeded my expectations. Apparently a couple of teachers (as in they're a couple and they're both teachers) were kind enough to lend us their house for the summer. They have a flat screen TV, a bowflex and even a treadmill! Sadly, once we read the fine print we learned that we are not allowed to use the treadmill, but on the bright side we can use the Xbox360.
After dropping off our luggage, we met Maria, the Nurse in Charge, who was waiting for us after all the other staff had left. She made us a mandarin cake with almonds on top which was amazing despite the fact that I'm not usually a fan of citrus flavoured cakes (I can hear the cake jokes coming already-you know who you are).
And what trip would be complete without me forgetting or losing something? Within less than an hour of getting there, Maria asks me if I've lost something. At first I was like "What? What is she talking about?" She actually had to tell me to look for a certain slightly important piece of government issued ID for it to click. Yes, I dropped my passport on the plane and with my ridiculously crazy luck, the pilots found it and called the Health Centre, somehow knowing I was working there. Gotta love small towns, well actually it's a hamlet, which is apparently too small to even be considered a village, yup I think I came to the right place.
Yesterday, we wandered around the area and found some inukshuks, sled dogs that were chained up to the rocks and random bones like vertebrae, I'm guessing from a narwhal or some other big sea creature.
As for clinical stuff, so far I've learned how to use the thermometer that looks kinda like a gun, learned from a patient how to take a blood glucose (- -;) , given an intramuscular injection and today was probably the most exciting. I got to help out with a pregnant woman with abdominal pain, who thankfully, didn't end up having any contractions.

Well that's all for now.



  1. Hey leena! well, i am soo glad you're writing a blog! u look awesome! gluck with everything, and missin' u like crazy.

  2. Sounds awesome! and I love the fact that they found your passport, and got it to you before you noticed :)

  3. leena make a tumblr instead!!!
    show us the house!!
    omg you lost your passport. LEENA!!
    how many people in the town?? how long are you gone?? when are you back will i see you?? so many questions lol. how cold is it? is there sun? how many ..oh i asked that. why won't they let you use the treadmill??


  4. I love this blog! So exciting! This place seems so interesting, but I want to see more pictures!!
