Saturday, July 17, 2010

How time flies...

So it's our second last weekend here and I've had many new experiences since my last post.

I saw some amaaaaaazing waterfalls and did the most risky hiking I've ever done before

I saw the miracle of birth :)

I saw more ear wax come out of an ear than I've ever seen before.

Hudson's Bay went from ice to water in 2 days.

and today I went Kayaking and saw seals popping in and out of the water! Sadly, I missed the one that came right in front of my kayak, but I did manage to see the face of one, which was cool.

I also finally learned how to drive an ATV today! Not for very long, but it was pretty awesome. Corey took me out to finally see the land because I really haven't seen much of it yet. We found some sweet rapids and waterfalls, but the scenery was just so surreal, you really can't appreciate it from a photo. I felt like I was in Middle Earth.

1 comment:

  1. you in sunglasses makes me teehee.
    i am so jealous of you driving a REAL atv. so sweet.
