Friday, July 23, 2010

My Window

So in case you were curious how I get to sleep at night, here is what I use to block the window from light.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

My Inukshuk

So today I did not make very good use of my Sunday and only went out to go cotton picking. While I was there, I finally made an inukshuk, which I was planning to do for some time. Here is my first attempt:

And here is the final product.
I tried to make mine a bit original by using crystally white rocks, but you can't really tell since I did end up having to use other rocks too.
So today I gained a better appreciation of the amount of work that goes into making an inukshuk. Rocks are heavy. Who would've guessed? And it's not so easy to find ones the right shape so that they can stack well. Physics and me are not such good friends. So yeah, my inukshuk is very tiny. Hopefully it will stay standing for more than a week.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

How time flies...

So it's our second last weekend here and I've had many new experiences since my last post.

I saw some amaaaaaazing waterfalls and did the most risky hiking I've ever done before

I saw the miracle of birth :)

I saw more ear wax come out of an ear than I've ever seen before.

Hudson's Bay went from ice to water in 2 days.

and today I went Kayaking and saw seals popping in and out of the water! Sadly, I missed the one that came right in front of my kayak, but I did manage to see the face of one, which was cool.

I also finally learned how to drive an ATV today! Not for very long, but it was pretty awesome. Corey took me out to finally see the land because I really haven't seen much of it yet. We found some sweet rapids and waterfalls, but the scenery was just so surreal, you really can't appreciate it from a photo. I felt like I was in Middle Earth.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Arctic Flowers

So yesterday evening I went for a walk on the land. I couldn't stop for a second without mosquitoes landing on me, so it was tricky trying to take close-ups of flowers while trying to shoo them at the same time. Anyways, here they are. Enjoy :)

Mountain Aven

Ok so it's not a flower, but I thought they were kinda cool
Arctic ground squirrel prints, locals call them sik siks

Arctic Rhododendron

Here are some pics from before:

Yellow Whitlow Grass (I think)

Saxifrage, Nunavut's territorial flower

Arctic poppy

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Happy Canada Day!!

Hey guys. So Canada day is a huge deal up here in Repulse and we decided to participate, so Corey and I made a Vitamin D float, which I am quite proud of. The kids loved it and kept asking if they could take pieces of it home. Here are the pics:

Literacy students, Alli and Marley, got their campers to sing Oh Canada

They had neon pink cakes that looked like a Canadian Flag together. Sadly, it disappeared in front of me once it was my turn in line, but I didn't care because it was lemony anyways.

Our epic float

Diane (clerk-interpreter at the health centre), the undefeated champion of the ATV competition

the bike competition

Hope everyone had an awesome Canada Day!